Complaint Details

Status : Closed Closed
Complaint No
: 0144421/2021
Category : Consumer Goods
Date : 08-12-2021
Subject Line : Return Product was Picked up, Myntra cancelled it saying they did not pick up
Complainant : Jayashree BR
Address : ISRO Layout, Bangalore
Complainee : Myntra
Address :


Complaint Details
Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to you to raise an issue about: Clothing product purchased and Returned back to Myntra

Order Number: Order # 1189782-2078883-3106603

The issue that I have experienced was: I Placed a Return request for the plusS Yellow Floral Printed dress of Rs.749/- which was delivered on November 28th. The Pick-up executive came to our house to pick-up the product on December 1st at 5.23PM (Have the proof via CCTV footage). But later he updated the status to "Pickup Failed". And finally even after repeated complaints, they changed the status to "Pickup Cancelled - As the customer is happy with the product."!!! Product is no more with us how can we be happy with it? They are unable to track the returned product. Even after repeated complaints to Myntra and escalations, also provided the CCTV footage of the pickup guy, there has been no solution. Myntra repeatedly says, the Product was not picked up.

Below is the link to the CCTV footage of the product being picked up:

It occurred on: 1/12/2021

Resolution expected: Either give me back my product (Or) Give me the refund to it.

Yours faithfully,
Jayashree BR


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