Complaint Details

Status : Closed Closed
Complaint No
: 0145715/2022
Category : Service Provider
Date : 06-02-2022
Subject Line : Tikona service provider not provide service within timline for customer
Complainant : Prashant Kumar
Address : Block-A,375,Street Number-11
Complainee : Tikona
Address : Mr. Vinay Kakkar Manager - Contact Centre Operations 2nd Floor, 'Corpora', L.B.S. Marg, Bhandup (W), Mumbai - 400 078.


Complaint Details
You have such a poor service, I did not expect.Now I will neither continue your service nor allow anyone to do it.Your broadband is down since last 24 hours.And when we complain, you say that the team is working.

You are not giving the worth of the customer's profession and you are wasting their time too. I will file the RTI on you now.Stop fooling the customer, you guys now.


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