Complaint Details

Status : Closed Closed
Complaint No
: 0146656/2022
Category : Consumer Goods
Date : 01-04-2022
Subject Line : Not living up to store promise
Complainant : Kunal Mehta
Address : Sindur Sanjivanam, Plot No 251, Opp Madh Park,
Complainee : SAMSUNG India Electronics Pvt Lts
Address : 20th to 24th Floor, Two Horizon Centre, Golf Course Road, Sector-43, DLF PH-V, Gurgaon, Haryana


Complaint Details
I bought a Galaxy watch 4 smart watch along with my Samsung s22 on the evening of 7th March 22 from the Samsung Smart cafe at R City Mall in Mumbai. Samsung agrees that there is a defect, and will be repairing the watch but are not willing to replace it. The store and a supervisor on phone support claimed that the policy states they can process a replacement only if the buyer has registered a complaint within 15 days at the repair center. I had reached out to the outlet within 15 days saying it is not working and they had tried to set it right by taking the watch to the repair center for a software update. When I let them know that the software update has not solved the problem they let me know thati should go to the service center and get to check for a hardware issue and seek corrective action with them. On going to repair center they only talked about a free of cost repair of the watch and Samsung Support, the store and service center are stating that that is the best they can do but not stating why they can not replace the watch instead or repairing it. I think this is unfair and that they are trying to use a technicality to get away from replacing the watch. I am attaching the entire chain of communication which shows they are unwilling to even share contact details to an ombudsman who can impartially handle this case.


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