Complaint Details

Status : Closed Closed
Complaint No
: 0146682/2022
Category : Consumer Goods
Date : 03-04-2022
Subject Line : didn't refund
Complainant : harish kumari
Address : hs no 55 Daya garden Kaimri road
Complainee : Myntra
Address :


Complaint Details
sir I placed order for two tomburg shorts from myntra on date 24 march under order number 1200011-3972896-0850003 which they delivered on 30 march i found them short on size and one of them had different color then picture of product. i filed return for one product which had packet id 6782946781. they pick up my return on 2 april from my home. delivery guy checked all tags and situation of cloth. after he get satisfied he left with packet. after an hour i received mail that my return is on hold because of product tag was missing. i talked to delivery guy he accepted that product had tag but he misunderstood the situation. i raised complaint at Myntra i am not getting satisfied treatment from them. they are holding me for more than 10 days. It is causing me several problem. i told them whole situation with proofs still they are holding my money and putting me on hold without reason. i am attaching invoice for both packet and picture of products i ordered. i only return grey color product which had different color than picture and was short on size.


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