Complaint Details

Status : Closed Closed
Complaint No
: 0146687/2022
Category : Service Provider
Date : 03-04-2022
Subject Line : Aquaguard damaged during service
Complainant : S Bhaumik
Address : Kolkata
Complainee : Urban company
Address :


Complaint Details
Appliance aquaguard was damaged by the technician. When raised a complaint, it was said that a senior professional will come and verify the damage before refund. Since 31st March no one has come and I'm reaching out to customer care and they have scheduled a revisit with the same technician again as SME visit.again and again Im being told in the name of protocol that SME has to come then when will the SME come? I'm an urban plus member and this is how I get treated. VERY DISAPPOINTING . WANT MY REFUND. AND NO WAY TO CONTACT. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE SERVICE


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