Complaint Details

Status : Un-Resolved Un-Resolved
Complaint No
: 0147877/2024
Category : Consumer Goods
Date : 28-01-2024
Subject Line : Availed offer not received - 2 Pcs Grantite Non-Stick
Complainant : Annie Robin
Address : Maymadathil, Kadappakada, People's Nagar, Kollam
Complainee : Quilon Marketing Service
Address : Udayagiri Complex, Kadappakada, Kollam


Complaint Details
I have recently bought a Prestige Flip-ON pressure cooker from Quilon Marketing Service, Kadappakada, Kollam).

During the purchase, I was informed by the reperesentative that I will be provided a 2Pc Grantite Non-Stick as part of the offer (IT IS MENTIONED ON THE INVOICE 2PCS GRANITE NOT GIVEN).

Stock was not available at that time and they informed that they have placed the order and will deliver the 2pcs within 3-4 days. They have taken our contact details but never updated us.

Now after 10 days, when we enquired they are saying they cannot give the offer as we paid only INR 4500. They are asking us to pay more than 1000 something (Amount not clearly mentioned) if they need to provide the non stick offer.

They are saying if we have paid the actual MRP which is Rs. 5290, we could have availed the offer. As a customer, we do not know all this. The sales person has to inform all this before they sell the product. Now they are saying, they forgot to say it which is not at all acceptable. Attached invoice. I have already complained to Prestige customer care on 14th Jan but I haven't received any proper response. They called me once and informed that concerned department will contact me on priority but no one called me until now


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